Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ok So I decided to make a Post about RP Rules
Wait guess what? There are really no rules but I do want to share some suggestions..

First some Key terms

RP = Role Play
RL = Real Life
TL = Timeline
DM = Direct Message

1 - Remember its Role Play not real life. Dont take it too serious, dont be hurt by it and dont let it rule your life
2-RP is supposed to be fun. Avoid the Drama and the tangled web of lies
3- Respect others this one is important
      A-Dont be rude or insulting to anyone
      B-Basic rules of life Treat others like you wish to be treated
      C-Give everyone an opportunity
      D-Respect their time - this means DO NOT ask for a set schedule family, friends, work and RL comes  
      E-Dont talk about People behind their back if you have a problem with someone talk to them 1st
4- this one is personal if you are married or in a serious relationship make sure your partner knows what you are doing in RP keep in mind to some cybering could be considered cheating.
5- Respect others Real Life this means that you do not try to control or manage them. Remember everyone is responsible for his/her behavior.
6-DONT Fall in Love with a Role player remember its ROLE PLAY nothing guarantees you that person is being honest and true with you. Heck he/she could be married with a family or could be some creep.
By this I am not saying that all online relationships Dont Work some do but in all honesty a relationship is so hard to do when you live near each other image how hard it is online?
7-Unless you have gotten to know the Real person and I mean KNOW i.e talked to them on the phone know their real acct ect...DONT Give out your Personal Information. 
8-NEVER EVER Give out your passwords to anything i.e Twitter to strangers and yes most RPers will be strangers to you.
9-Dont forget your RL dedicate time to your family and friends in the real world and to yourself. Remember to go outside and get some sun you dont want to be as pale as a vampire in RL or get sick fom lack of vitam D.
10-If you want someone to be your friend remember to be a friend first YES Go read previous post.

Finally I want to say i do enjoy the world of RP a world where I have managed to join many different things like True Blood, Twilight and Some of my favorite books. Remember to respect everyone's likes and dislikes even if they arent what you believe in.

Lots of Love

xoxoxox Lory

Being A Friend

I heard this song today and thought it kinda sorta applies. "He works hard To give her all He thinks she wants A three car garage, Her own credit cards He pulls in late To wake her up With a kiss Good night

If he could only Read her mind, She'd say:" Funny part here the lady only wants a Rose only wants his attention and love. Ladies lets not forget that in order to receive what we want we must give something in return and NO I dont mean SEX! I mean if you want a friend or a lover to be there for you then BE THERE for them. Im tired or women on twitter who expect the men to be at their beg and call. Guess what? They have their own problems too and sometimes they need time away to deal with real life. Instead of asking them for a "Schedule" listen to them and be there for them after all its what you would expect from him. I've lost friends because females have become obessessive and possessive of their time and I've seen others get hurt because they are going through a hard time and instead of being there the female will give them hell. To top it all off, she then turns and spreads falso rumors about him. Again Im not being rude or saying names but if you are reading this then you would know if this applies to you or not.

This applies not only to male/female friendships and relationships it applies to all. Remember Twitter RP is Role Play and people have Real Life, Real Problems and Real Need of Friends outside of here. Dont Make the mistake of letting Twitter RP rule you. Get to know people and connect with them but realize you arent number one in their life and accept that.

With that all I can say is thank you to all my friends you have stuck with me through so much and I appreciate that. You have heard me bitch and moan about my problems and many of you have never complained. *Muah* I love you and I do sincerely love each and everyone of my followers

Addicted to Twitter


–verb (used without object)

1. to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird.

2. to talk lightly and rapidly, esp. of trivial matters; chatter.

3. to titter; giggle.

4. to tremble with excitement or the like; be in a flutter.

–verb (used with object)

5. to express or utter by twittering.


6. an act of twittering.

7. a twittering sound.

8. a state of tremulous excitement.

Did you notice the defenition is related to excitement? But on what is there to be excited about? What makes twitter exciting and addicting?

It's a door to the world a portal of sorts to meeting different people and learning about different cultures and believes. It is also a source of gossip, news and memorable quotes. Twitter is a place where you can see what your next door neighbor is doing or what Ashton kutcher has been planning.

It's a way to feel connected to the world where the information comes to you well if you follow the correct people. You can follow your local news station or radio station so you can keep up with what is happening in your town. You can follow people who tweet from news worthy locations I.e Haiti and get a close look at what is happening.

Twitter is also a place where you can meet people from your city or across the ocean people you share interests with. Interests like twilight, true blood or maybe politics. It's where you can post a question and if you have enough followers you will get ananswer faster than google.

It's also a place where you can escape reality and create a virtual playground where you can imagen your dream like. It's called role play, you can to dinner in France or you could meet that special someone and get married host an event or become a werewolve or a vampire. It's where you come to forget your real problems And where you tell life "fuck off"

I am personally thankful to Twitter for Manu reasons I joined a year ago during a very stressful time. I felt alone and I felt like life wasn't worth much and I met the twihearts on Twitter. Met @mckenler @lovesgardenia and @caryn69 and many more incredible ladies who made me feel special. Then I met true blood and @addictedtoeric was born. Now I am priviledged to say that I know some of the best people on Twitter. Thank you for putting up with me And lending me an eye (reading my tweets)

also I apologize for spelling and gramatical errors yes this is on the iPhone so it's filled w errors